Friday, June 02, 2006

A closed subset of a group is a group

Let (G, ⋅) be a group, and let H ⊂ G. If H is closed under ⋅, then H is a subgroup.


Let H have m elements, so that
  • H = {a1, a2, ..., am}

  • Ha1 = {a12, a2a1, ..., ama1}

By the cancellation laws, Ha1 has m elements as well, and since H is closed and a1 ∈ H, Ha1 = H.

Since a1 &isin H = Ha1, ∃aj &isin H such that a1 = aja1. Therefore, aj = e (∈H). __(1)

Also, ∃ak &isin H such that aka1 = aj. That is, ak = a1-1 &isin H.

Similarly, by looking at Hai, for i = 2..m, ai-1 &isin H. __(2)

So, H:
  • is closed (hypothesis)
  • is associative (inherited)
  • has identity (1), and
  • contains inverses (2)

Therefore, H is a group, and so H is a subgroup of G.


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